Friday 27 September 2013

Teen VOGUE Magazine Analysis

The title of the magazine is "Teen VOGUE" a clear implication that the magazines main target audience are teenagers, specifically girls. The content of the main VOUGE magazine is fashion and beauty, so the Teen VOUGE magazine is aimed at teenagers looking for inspiration for styles and looks aimed at them. 

The juxtaposition of the two fonts used in the masthead, shows the combining of the sophisticated content found in the main VOGUE magazine, with the fun, young and fresh content featured in Teen Vogue, expressed by the playful, bold font used for the word "teen".

Pink and baby blue are the main colours on the page. Pink is universally stereotyped as a girl's colour, therefore the magazines choice to use it as the prominent colour, reinforces the fact that it is intended for girls. Baby blue is also considered a girl's colour, or a colour associated with baby boys. As many females have a soft spot for babies, this is a good way in which the magazine draws in it's female audience. The background is a soft pastel blend of these two colours with areas of lilac where the two colours meet. Overall this adds to the effect of creating a very girly, almost "airy fairy" feeling.

Nicki Minaj is this issues famous celebrity model, well known for her music and outlandish fashion sense, she is a good candidate for a fashion magazine representative. She has a wide smile, which from a distance is eye catching. A smile is also a gesture used worldwide and conveys openness and friendliness, so the smiling Nicki encourages girls to purchase the magazine and see what it has to offer. 

Stood in a hands on hip, superman stance, Nicki conveys the idea of female empowerment and domination, the female empowerment idea is also reinforced by the headline featuring alliteration, describing Nicki as "Fierce and Fabulous".

The tutu style dress we see Nicki wearing, accentuates her small waist, creating the "perfect" waist-to-hip ratio, many females strive to achieve. It also compliments the "airy fairy" feel of the background, i mentioned before. The dress design, which is bold and detailed with beaded designs, is reflective of Nicki's infamous fashion sense and the magazine's promise to provide "CRAZY COOL SUMMER STYLE!' is reflective of this.

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