Thursday 13 February 2014

Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

I addressed my audience mainly through my focus group, but also talking to my friends and family who were also part of my target audience and just casually discussing the topic of the magazine and seeing their responses.

On my front cover, I presented my fictional duo, CD, as upcoming artists. During our focus group, this is what everyone was keen to see, so I made sure to this when I created my magazine.

These are the colours that people felt that suited an R&B magazine, and the colours they expected to see on one. I used gold throughout my magazine in response to this.

I made the price of the magazine £1.50 even though the people I asked said max. £1.20, this is because further on they said "it would actually depend upon a variety of factors" such as free gifts. Following this, I included a promise of free Itunes downloads and also discount codes, for clothing and game sites. I didn't want to increase the price of the magazine too drastically, but I felt 30p was an adequate and fair price to increase too, given the freebies and discounts I had added. 

My focus group, also said that interviews on the double page spread were very important, so I took this into consideration and did an interview. 

The group were confident on the idea that there should only be one main image, so as to not create clutter. They also stated this image should be of the artist featuring in the magazine. When creating my magazine, I reflected their opinions by only including one image of the duo CD, who also had a main feature in the form of an interview.

In conclude, to attract my audience, I incorporated the various things they asked for/ expected to see on a typical R&B magazine. The people in my focus group, were people who would be in my target market, so the feedback they gave me was relevant and I took on board a lot of it and used it when creating my magazine. 

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