Thursday 24 October 2013

Colour Testing

Red symbolizes excitement, energy, passion, love, desire, speed, strength, power, heat, aggression, danger, fire, blood, war and violence. As red is the colour of the school logo and this is a school magazine, i think red would be an appropriate color for my magazine. Red is also an attention grabbing colour so it would be attract people's eyes to it. 

Orange, is associated with warmth and happiness and is also a colour that represents energy. As orange is a warm colour, I feel it would draw readers to the magazine and it is also a colour that makes people feel happy, so this may help make them feel more inclined to read it. 

Yellow is a colour that represents happiness, it is a bright colour that will easily attract people's eyes towards it, however I would use it cautiously as too much of this colour, apparently causes irritation, which contradicts what I am trying to achieve.

Green has connotations of youth, growth and calmness. As my target market are young people that are growing, I feel this colour would subconsciously draw them to the magazine. Green also reflects calmness, which would be good as readers would feel calm as they flicked through the magazine.

Blue represents relaxation. It is also used worldwide as a "boy" colour, so I feel that maybe using blue might make females feel as though the magazine is not aimed at them. I would use this colour for maybe headings and some text, but not for the majority of the magazine.

Purple is a rich colour that oozes luxury and is also considered a royal colour as well. Using this colour would make my magazine feel more expensive than it is, so readers would feel like they are getting more out of their money which would be good.

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