Saturday 5 October 2013

BRIDES Magazine Analysis

The masthead of the magazine is written in white, as white is stereo-typically the colour associated with traditional weddings. The title of the magazine is big and bold to capture the readers attention, and the simplicity of the title adds to the elegance of the magazine, it cuts straight to the point, which readers and potential buyers like, as it excludes the wasting time flicking through the pages to see what the magazine is about.

The fonts used are cursive, which reflects the beauty and elegance associated with wedding. It is also quite feminine which shows the magazine is aimed at women, the magazine is also called "BRIDES" which confirms this. 

A beautiful model is seen on the cover, she is very slim, so women will purchase the magazine as they may want to know how they can look as good as her on their wedding day. She is wearing a long, ivory wedding dress, again reverting back to the traditional wedding themes, however she is also wearing a chunky, quirky necklace which adds a feel of uniqueness to her outfit, thus encouraging the reader to see what else it has to offer. The background is a plain, light gray colour, which allows the ivory/white of the dress and masthead to stand out clearly, with out looking to harsh, had they used a colour such as black. So it adds to the softness and elegant theme projected  by the magazine.

The magazine boasts "745 ETERNALLY STYLISH" wedding essentials, readers will feel they are getting a lot for the price of the magazine and will feel more encouraged to buy it. Words such as "your" and "we" address the reader directly and allow them to feel like a part of the magazine and will also make them feel encouraged to read more. People are always looking to save money, so headers such as "+14 ways to shrink your budget" will draw them in and they will be eager to buy the magazine to see how they can save money. The header at the top "The UK's No.1 bestselling bridal magazine" makes readers feel that they are truly buying the best of the best when they buy the magazine, the fact that it is number 1, shows it is the best in it's genre, so it definitely knows what it is talking about.

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