Thursday 16 January 2014

Mock Ups


There will be one main image of my fictional R&B duo that will cover the entire front cover, so all the text will be on top of this image. In each"TEXT" box, I will write something that relates to what my magazine has to offer. The "HEADLINE" box will contain information about my duo, so something along the lines of "Exclusive interview with_______" . My masthead will be in a large and bold font, as this seems to be a trend among the R&B magazines I have researched. 


For my DPS, I have decided to do an interview. As my artists are a duo, I want to a mini interview on each page, so during my photo shoot, I took individual shots of both models for this purpose. So on each page there will be an image of each girl that covers the entire page with text on top of it. 


For my contents page i will have a column of the page numbers and a very brief summary of what will be on that page. I will have one main image that covers the whole page, this may not be an actual image, I may use a section of the background from the front cover and just blow it up to cover the contents page. 

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